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Why Should You Be Self Sufficient During a Disaster

The public must be PREPARED to be self-sufficient; you must be capable of taking care of yourself for at least 2 weeks up to 1 month.

Points to Consider

  • Local resources are limited and may not be able to recover and organize for at least 48 hours after a major disaster.  
  • Depending on how widespread of an event, local resources may not be able to respond.  Some of the responders may even be affected personally, or resources may not be available due to loss of equipment and personnel.
  • You may not be able to dial 911, or the 911 center may experience an overload for calls for service that exceed resources. As a result, you may be told by a 911 operator that there are no fire, EMS, or police units available to help you.
  • Major disasters such as earthquakes will disrupt roads, communications, utilities, and sewer/sanitation systems long term.
  • It could be at least 2 weeks before we see state National Guard and at least 3 weeks before we see Federal troops and supplies.
  • You must be prepared with food, water, and your medications and prescriptions, first aid, etc., for several weeks.
  • You must be prepared to sustain yourself within your home during cold weather without electricity.
  • When there is a major earthquake, Dyersburg will not be the only City impacted. Millions of people will be affected throughout the region. It will be the largest disaster America has ever seen. Our country’s emergency response system is not capable of responding to an event of this magnitude.

You Must Take Personal Responsibility To Be Prepared!

You May Not Be Able To Call 911 For Help - You Could Be On Your Own - Are You Ready? Are You Prepared Today? Because The Day After Is To Late!

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